Straight and gay, rich and poor, and every color and age, St John’s is a place of Radical Kindness, warm and open Christ-Followers who celebrate God’s grace and love and cherish one another.  We are proud and grateful to serve as a “neighborhood church” for the tri-cities: College Park, East Point and Hapeville.  Everyone needs a place to be cherished.  We invite you to make St John’s yours!

The world needs to know the healing grace of Jesus Christ. Christ's message of hope, love, and peace is as relevant today as when Jesus Christ first called his disciples. As a worshiping community, we strive to be a beacon of God's love by exemplifying the two great commandments: Love God with our whole heart and love our neighbors as ourselves. We practice Radical Kindness, opening our doors wide to people of every age, stripe, and type. We join in worship and service and share the unconditional welcome offered at Jesus' Table. Founded in the summer of 1906, on the 14th Sunday after Trinity, St. John's seeks to deepen our faith with the teachings of Jesus, the prophets, and the apostles and continually serve our community in ways that matter. 

Everyone needs a place to be cherished. We invite you to make St. John’s yours.




1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays Rite II Holy Eucharist

Third Sundays- Rite 1 Holy Eucharist

Compline online on Thurs. at 7 pm

To Join us Online, get our weekly newsletter.

St. John’s Episcopal Church
3480 East Main Street
College Park, GA, 30337

Office: 404.761.8402
Rev. Alex Sherrill: 404.761.8403

Office Hours:

Tuesday - Thursday
10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
and by appointment.

Land Acknowledgment: We honor and acknowledge the Muscogee and Cherokee people, the traditional custodians of this land, and pay our respects to their elders, past, present, and future, who call this land on which we sit their home. We appreciate their wisdom, their culture, and their presence among us today as the host people of this land. We lament the injustices done to the original inhabitants and the injustices done to this land in the centuries since. We seek the courage and wisdom to heal the wounds of the past and build a better future together, in deep solidarity.